PhaseOne Photography

Summer Sun and Wild Flowers Explode in the Rockies

The summer is in full gear in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho.

On the first day of Summer, I got up before dawn and ventured out from the cabin onto the valley floor.  I was able to capture the sun lighting up the Sawtooths as it moved from Alpenglow to Sunrise.  The Mountain Blue Bells had been calling out to me all week.

Today, The Border Collies and I walked the property as the sun started its day. I captured images of the wildflowers.

Brandegee’s Onion – Allium brandegeei
Brandegee’s Onion – Allium brandegeei
Alpine aster – Oreostenuna alpigenum.
Alpine aster – Oreostenuna alpigenum.
Common eriophyllum – Eriophyllum lanatum
White mariposa lily – Calochortus eurycarpus. Also Known as Sego Lily

Silver lupine – Lupenus argenteus
Mountain penstemon – Penstemon monotanus

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