
de Gaulle de-Mystified

Charles de Gaulle, France’s Man, is revealed in remarkable detail in this sweeping Biography.  Author and Historian Julian Jackson de mystifies France’s iconic leader by revealing details about him obtained from a variety of sources made available only recently by the de Gaulle Archive. The book at 800+ pages is almost encyclopedic in size, yet Read More…

Kauai Nikon Z9 Photography

1st Impressions of the Nikon Z9

The Nikon Z9 is out into the market place.  The hype, branding, positioning, and positing by Nikon, competitors of Nikon, and experts – remains intense. Is the camera worthy of all the plaudits?  After some use, I would conclude… probably so. There is one thing clear to me.  For shooters such as myself, moving to Read More…

Hike Kauai Photography

Capturing Kauai – It is Good To Have Backup Plan

When I head out on a photo-shoot, I bring back up cameras.  I almost always take additional shots of the same image I am trying to capture using multiple devices.  If I am shooting with the PHASEONE Medium Format Kit,  I bring along the Nikon Kit, or my Sony RXR1, and iPhone.  Sometimes I bring Read More…