
Criminal Is Almost A Perfect Title

Surely, a film with the poorest of screenplays and direction can be overcome and saved by a male cast of Tommy Lee Jones, Kevin Kostner, Gary Oldmann, and Ryan Reynolds and bookend by Gal Godot and Antje Traue as the female leads.  Surely! Well… no they cannot and don’t call me Shirley. Criminal is as Read More…


Expert Power Overcoming Position Power but at Great Expense: Trumbo

Many times people and organizations penalize others to the point of breaking (or even worse) solely because they have position power and want to use it (e.g., do so because I say so, and I am the boss of you). Often it is utilized regardless of whether they have (or do not have) expert power (e.g., do so Read More…


Better Late Then Never – Spotlight

In the business world, people often think the problem they are solving ends up merely being a symptom of a bigger one.  In news reporting, what many believe is the story ends up being part of a much bigger topic.  In both cases, the participants often challenge, deny, undermine, and even attempt to block the truth of the Read More…