800mm Z Lens Kauai Nikon Z9 Photography WaimeaBeachHouse Wildlife

Hoaloha in the pā hale at WaimeaBeachHouse

A friend (Hoaloha) has been visiting our back yard (pā hale) at the WaimeaBeachHouse. Our friend is the Mejiro.  The bird is often confused with the Hawaiian Honeycreeper.  The key difference visually can be determined by the eyes of the birds.  The Mejiro has white surrounding its eye. However, the Honeycreeper does not. The Mejiro Read More…

Birds At Kawai‘ele
800mm Z Lens Kauai Nikon Z9 Photography Wildlife Z9 400MM F2.8 Lens

An Afternoon with the Birds at Kawai‘ele

I decided to spend an afternoon with the birds at Kawai‘ele on Kauai.  Kawai‘ele is a waterbird and native plant sanctuary on the western side of the island.  It is a quiet and unassuming place. A good deal of the birds at Kawai‘ele are endemic to Hawaii.  Birds such as the Hawaiian Stilt and Hawaiian Read More…