There is nothing more dangerous than being in the middle of girls fighting.
However, let me back up, and provide some background.
My name is Cassin. Cassin Male Finch.
I rest my wings on Goat Creek in the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA) and Sawtooth Wilderness in the State of Idaho in the United States of America (U.S.A.). I live here year-round.
I love to eat meals on my deck that looks out on Thompson Peak, Williams Peak, Merritt Peak and the Goat Creek drainage. The Lubeck’s think the deck is theirs – but it is decidedly not. However, that is a story for another day.
Usually when eating, I take in a few seeds and keep to myself. The seeds at my place, while not Boujee, are most assuredly Bussin’.
On occasion, the neighbors will stop by for a bite to eat. Lately, the Stellar Jay, Grosbeak, and Wooley Woodpecker have come over for a visit.
On this day, things are different. Two Cassin Female Finch’s decide to drop in, and before you can say YOLO, a fight breaks out. It was Salty!
I am kind of old-school. I do not own a camera-phone. Besides, Selfies seem so 2020.
Technically, I was not stuck in the middle, but it sure felt like it. Luckily someone nearby captured some pics.
