Kauai Photography WaimeaBeachHouse

Capturing Kauai – Only a Week Until Santa Visits

In one week’s time Santa comes for a visit.

Mother nature has provided some remarkable sunsets this fall.  Linda and I put up some Christmas lights in the Coconut Palm Trees a couple of months ago.

We also have identified another regular visitor to the yard. A male White-Rumped Shama seems to have established that our place is also his.  The long tailed bird’s native habitat is India and Southern Asia.  It was introduced to Kauai in 1931.  The female is smaller and lighter in markings, but also has a long tail.  Different than most of the birds on our property the White-Rumped Shama only pairs with its female companion during mating season (January – April).

The weather pattern changes materially on Kauai in December.  it is the rainiest month in Waimea – 4.3 inches on average.

The cloud patterns have been fascinating.  In the image below, the clouds stayed above our house – with only the slightest movement for hours – through sunset.