Backcountry Skiing Photography

Revisiting Redfish Lake in Winter

Redfish in January 04

It is rare for me to get a cold, but one is what I have and it continues to linger.  As you all know it is very hard for me not to be outside for any extended length of time. However, having consumed what feels to be about 7,464 football games since mid-December, I am getting something approaching cabin fever.  What do do?  Switch to watching College Basketball?  No, I have already taken in hundreds of those since the start of the season.  How about a movie?  Gosh I have already reduced my intake 50% to 2 a-day and the only one I have not seen is Taken 87.  Should I re-read this week’s Wall Street Journal’s, NY Times’ or the 23 periodicals we seem to receive each week? No, and I accept the of risk missing a third look at pictures of people famous only because they are famous.

I am getting antsy and as of this moment, Linda has not put me outside with the dogs only because I am sick.

I know what I will do… I’ll take a virtual trip.  I’ll take the dogs upstairs and recreate crossing Redfish Lake in wintertime.  Now that is good medicine.