Clark’s Nutcrackers and Hairy Woodpeckers are making their presence known on the property. The fall-time weather has moved some residents to seek warmer climes – even non migrators. However, some of the residents are sticking around. The Stellar Jay has become even more prominent, as its bird count has moved from three to eight. In Read More…
Z9 400MM F2.8 Lens
Capturing The Valley: Doves Out on a Limb
A family of doves reside at our cabin in the Sawtooth National Forest. When on our property they spend most of their time observing the bird feeders from the limb of a Lodgepole Pine tree about 75 feet away. There appear to be six doves that hang around the house. They do not frequent the Read More…
Capturing The Valley: Sharing Residency
This week, the Grosbeak’s decided to move in at our home in Stanley, Idaho. They are new residents. A New Bird in Town The Evening Grosbeak is an eye-catching kenspeckle bird. It travels in flocks looking for food sources. In addition, if the flock likes the food source and it proves to be reliable, they Read More…