Movies Uncategorized

I Hear You Are Irish

Despite being based on a biography filled with well known credibility challenges, actors in their late seventies trying pull off playing their character in their late 30’s, and a three and one-half hour runtime – Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman works.  The Irishman is flawed, but works. The Irishman is a film that reveals many colorful Read More…


Spotlight: All The Presidents Men

The state of the world and headlines about it can leave most of us with our heads spinning; seeking respite from (paid) Talking Heads spinning the answer to any question back towards their desired Talking Points on today’s media platforms. Whoa! Step back, take a moment, a few hours, a day, a weekend out of Read More…


The Total Eclipse of the Sun – Idaho

The Solar Eclipse occurred as scheduled in Idaho (8/21/2017 11:30 local time).  The eclipse from our viewing point was remarkable. Our cabin in Stanley was almost dead-center : 100% eclipse and under the full shadow 99.83% (i.e., viewing time well over 2+ minutes). More importantly, the Lubeck’s were able to host friends that live at Read More…