As a film Director Clint Eastwood chooses to be steady and follow conventional paths. This approach has served him (as a Director) and us (as viewers) well. As an Actor Tom Hanks knows how to play the common-man under duress who ultimately possesses uncommon stamina, staying power and heroic traits. Combine these two with the Read More…
A Story Rich in Irony about Lean Men in Lean Times: Hell or High Water
The setting, characters and storyline for Hell or High Water directed by David MacKenzie (Starred Up) and written by Taylor Sheridan (Sicario) make for a otherwise superb film. It is a film where the viewer can easily become attached to good guys and bad guys. Who is ultimately to be viewed as the good and bad Read More…
All The Way – Or Very Close To It
All the Way – Home Box Office’s version of the Tony Award winning stage play – is a rewarding watch. Starring Bryan Cranston (AAN Trumbo, Argo) Written by Robert Schenkkan (from his play) and Directed by Jay Roach (Trumbo, Meet The Parents, Austin Powers) All The Way tells the story of the 36th President of Read More…