Mark Felt – The Man Who Brought The White House Down is an intriguing film that looks into a big piece of U.S. history from the vantage point of Mark Felt. And why is the name Mark Felt important? Mark Felt was the Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.) who 30 years Read More…
The Post: Highly Watchable Today and In The Future
Steven Spielberg’s The Post is a highly watchable film. It is an efficient Political Thriller with a superb script, cast, staging, and direction. My guess is that like most of the recent Spielberg films, The Post will not win the Academy Award for Best Picture, but over time I will watch it the most of Read More…
The Shape of Water – Everything and Nothing All At Once
As The Shape of Water begins its 2 hour and three minute journey into your brain, I suggest you draw no conclusions about what is being presented until you have had some time to think about what you have just seen. So while in the theater – go with the movie. In the end you Read More…