I decided to spend an afternoon with the birds at Kawai‘ele on Kauai. Kawai‘ele is a waterbird and native plant sanctuary on the western side of the island. It is a quiet and unassuming place. A good deal of the birds at Kawai‘ele are endemic to Hawaii. Birds such as the Hawaiian Stilt and Hawaiian Read More…
Net Net of Talk and Walk on Kauai
The coastline, shoreline, and beaches of the Island of Kauai are world renown. Many of the beaches look to be in pristine condition and surrounded by wilderness. There are many things that challenge the condition. Many talk the talk about protecting the area so that all can enjoy. Some actually walk the walk and back Read More…
Capturing Kauai: Repeat Week on the Kalepa
The Kalepa Ridge Trail on Kauai is considered to be the most dramatic hike of the entire Hawaiian Islands. It is nothing short of other worldly and fantastical. You will not see this trail on the list in guidebooks that make recommendations. Why? The Kalepa Ridge Trail is not an official trail. It is considered Read More…