Tourist Travel

The Big Apple Shines in January

The nickname of The Big Apple was placed upon New York City 100 years ago. I have visited New York City on 24 occasions. First in the early 1960’s and most recently in January and February of 2025.

The visits have encompassed all seasons, and the ups and downs experienced by New York and me and my life. Birthday celebrations, garbage strikes, sporting events, conventions, business deals, job offers, 911, and celebrating a Tony Award for Best Musical with your friends has been part of it.

I think I like The Big Apple most in January. The city is less crowded yet vibrant. The days are mostly cool and clear.

On this trip, Linda and I are staying at our friends Ema and Jonathan’s apartment. It is located on Columbus Circle overlooking Central Park in Manhattan. For us, the location is Ground Zero Grotto. Because Linda and I are daily hikers/walkers of 4-12 miles, almost all of Manhattan is accessible by foot. The implication is a trip in/to/from Central Park, a Broadway Musical, and dinner in Lower Manhattan (on foot) the same day is part of the agenda.

Ema and Jonathan’s apartment is elegant with its clean lines and simplicity. While uncluttered, their home offers touches revealing a successful family with two kids that are lovers of dogs.

Big Apple.

Central Park is a haven for me. While cool for visits, I would find NYC a hard place to live. However, Central Park could materially mitigate the downside.

Big Apple Central Park In Winter

The Highline

New York City is many things. One thing it does fairly well, is deliver on big ideas.

The Highline is an elevated linear park in NYC. It is 1.4 miles in length. The Highline is a greenway that was once part of the New York Central Railroad.  What a story! The story is best told [here] and [here].

Big Apple Fictional Film Locations

I have a thing for movies, and fictional locations set in the film. Two of my very favorite locations (not necessarily the films) are in Manhattan.

Three Days of the Condor (1975) is a Thriller starring Robert Redford and Faye Dunaway. The film is based on the novel Six Days of the Condor. The American Literary Historical Society building is a CIA cover operation. In real life, it is a building located at 55 East 77th Street, Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA. Here is the building on my trip in 2025. Both the buildings’ exterior and interior are used in the film.

How to Murder Your Wife (1965) is a comedy satire/farce starring Jack Lemon and Virna Lisa. The film is set in Manhattan. The principle location in the film is main character Stanley Ford’s Townhome. In real life, it is a building located at 174 E. 75th st New York City, New York, USA. Here is the building on my trip in 2025. Both the buildings’ exterior and interior are used in the film.

*** Jeff’s Thoughts and Other Worthless Trivia ***

Two-hundred and Seventy degree views of Manhattan from the 47th floor of your friend’s place are compelling to say the least.

Any place that has bowls to feed and water dogs, and a leash for them at the front door is a home for me.

The phrase “the shortest measure of time is that between a stop light turning green and a honk from a car behind another,” is best personified by New York City.

Central Park is a remarkable place. I think I have covered almost every inch of its trails and paths. I never tire, nor take for granted what its confines offer. The Central Park (now the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) reservoir holds 1B gallons (US) of water. The movie (and novel) the Marathon Man make the running route around the reservoir seem long. However, it is only 1.5 miles in length.

Crossing Manhattan to get to LaGuardia or JFK remains a pain in the butt.


6 Replies to “The Big Apple Shines in January

  1. My maternal grandmother lived on 58 St when not at the Lake House in Norther Michigan and when I was 10 (1958) I took the train from Norfolk to stay the weekend and we walked to Central Park, Brooks Bothers, Abacrombi & Fitch, etc. I went back for a couple of Thanksgivings from Prep School in Easthampton, Mass. she came to Parents Weekend and brought me my 1st lacrosse stick from A&F. I still have this mental picture of the old old (to me) woman walking across campus carrying a 6’ wood and leather lacrosse stick.

  2. Wonderful writing! Thank you so much for the nice words and description of us! We are lucky to call you and Linda our friends!

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