Backcountry Off Trail Hike Kauai Na Pali Coast PhaseOne

Capturing Kauai: Repeat Week on the Kalepa

The Kalepa Ridge Trail on Kauai is considered to be the most dramatic hike of the entire Hawaiian Islands.  It is nothing short of other worldly and fantastical.  You will not see this trail on the list in guidebooks that make recommendations.

Why? The Kalepa Ridge Trail is not an official trail. It is considered out-of-bounds by all governing organizations and people who get to tell other people what they can and cannot do.  In addition there are a boatload of reasons not to attempt hiking the Kalapa Ridge Trail.

So, I cannot and will not recommend The Kalepa Ridge Trail hike to anyone.  That being said…  People hike this trail. I have been lucky enough to hike the Kalepa Ridge Trail twice this past week.

Am I In Love With a Fugitive of the Kalepa Ridge Hike Trail?  Yes!

For the “skinny” on the Kalepa Ridge Trail hike, take a few moments to read my Post about it [here].

I was fortunate enough to hike the Kalepa Ridge Trail on Monday with my friends (Andrew and Alivia Kolpacki) and then on Sunday with Linda – my Best Girl and Wife of 41+ years — Linda, aka Linder.

The flowers and the fauna are spectacular.


The Kalepa Arboretuem.
Linder about to have an orange at the just below of Kalepa Ridge Trail. And, yes… she will hike back down and up through the mist to the summit and lookout (in the background).


A Girl from Williamston Michigan with her Trophy Husband! Note: This is the sharpest girl in the U.S. today. Do not mess with her. She is the Trophy by all ISO Measures!
The Kalepa

*** Jeff’s Thoughts and Other Worthless Trivia ***

Let’s be clear.  I am a lucky guy.  I could die tomorrow.  I will not die young. I will not die with a life unfulfilled.

I have a will about experiencing life to its fullest, that is matched by few.  I am a Spartan.  Is it a coincidence? Who knows?  In short… Go Green!

4 Replies to “Capturing Kauai: Repeat Week on the Kalepa

  1. Those are beautiful! I think this is the one we call the “airplane” trail. Is it the one that goes from the Kaulaulau lookout?

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