Linda and I bought some hibiscus plants last year. The Yellow hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii.
We planted a Pink Lemonade (native to Hawaii) and Kauaian Red (endemic to the island) in the front yard. Both are healthy. The Pink Lemonade flowers often.

However, The Kauaian Red, while appearing healthy and growing faster than the Pink had yet to flower. The staff at Kauaʻi Nursery & Landscaping Inc told us the plant was young and would take some time to flower.
It is flowering now.
This morning I took a picture of one of two flowers with two cameras – The Nikon Z9, and the PHASEONE XF IQ151.
I captured both images with a 35MM lens’. The Z35 S 2.8 on the Nikon and the Blue Ring 35 3.5 on the PHASEONE.
I captured both images in Manual (M) Mode with the same setting: ISO 400 1/400th F8. It was windy at the time of the capture (10MPH gusting to 20 MPH). Normally I would have shot at 50-100 ISO, 1/250th F8-F11.

Both images are cropped to 6 inches by 6 inches. The images were saved in the JPG format at 72 DPI. Otherwise, no changes or alterations were made.
I will state the obvious… no detailed comprehensive comparison can really be presented. Almost all computer screens can only display to 72 DPI and in 8 BIT Color. WordPress (the software for publishing this site) converts all image color to the sRGB 2.1 scheme. In short, the images shown above are nowhere near to representing the power of both cameras. However, is is still fun to see how each performs in a directional sense.
The Nikon Z9 captures images in 35MM format at 45 Megapixels in 14BIT Color in Adobe RGB.
The PHASEONE IQ4 151 captures images in 4×5 Format at 151 Megapixels in 16BIT Color in FULL GAMUT RGB