Treasure’s created in modern times are rarely nature oriented. But there is a treasure called The Harriman Trail conceived of in 1991 that provides over 18 miles of opportunity to walkers, hikers. bikers, runners, and cross-country skiers in the magnificent Wood River corridor from the Headquarters of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA) to the Galena Lodge.

Dick Dorworth has written a nice piece for the Sun Valley Guide on the Harriman Trail.
My buddy Mark Curtis was the first of my friends to travel its length on cross-country skis.
I seem to be on or near the Harriman Trail a significant number of times throughout the year – and I never tire of the surroundings. On this day it means a 18.95 mile mountain bike ride that encompasses 892 feet of vertical gain and 1,825 of drop. Kyle joins me for the quick trip. We load the bikes in the Jeep and head out after work. Kyle brings his truck and we leave it at the SNRA Headquarters to act as as our shuttle back to my vehicle. We drive to the Galena Lodge in the Jeep and start our trek in the late afternoon September sun and a temperature of 72 degrees. The route has a highly enjoyable amount of rolling sections. Kyle and I decide to set a quick, but steady pace – covering the 18.95 miles in one hour and 23 minutes.
Afterward we jump in the truck, head back to the Lodge to pickup my Jeep and head home.
Is there a local treasure nearby your place of which you never tire?