The sunsets and nautical end of day are wonderful to take in from our from porch\lanai. Here are both on February 6thth 2023 Both images were capture with the PHASEONE IQ4 151 and the PHASEONE 55M F1.8 Blue Ring Lens Sunset Manual ISO 50 1/320s f/8 Nautical End of Day Manual ISO 640 1/200s f/2.8
The Dark Comedy Reparatory Film Club
It is my guess that Writer\Director\Producer Martin McDonough and his brother James have built a small theatre and film studio in a secret location known only to a few persons. Those persons are Award Winning professionals. In their spare time they work together in this secret location to hone their skills. It is just a Read More…
Fire in the Yard: The Ross Fork
The Ross Fork Fire in the Sawtooth Wilderness and Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA) is a challenging wildfire for the community. Information about the incident is [here] It has spread into and burned remote areas utilized by recreationists. The Ross Fork Fire as also burned out drainages with cabins and reached into the tiny enclaves Read More…