Foxcatcher is a eery disturbing film with outstanding performances by its male leads – Steve Carell (40 year-old Virgin, Crazy Stupid Love) as John du Pont, Channing Tatum (Magic Mike, 22 Jump Street) as Mark Shultz and Mark Ruffalo (You Can Count on Me, Shutter Island) as Dave Shultz. Foxcatcher is a movie that claims Read More…
American Sniper: An efficient film with little waste about a man who lived the same way
American Sniper starring Bradley Cooper (Wedding Crashers, Limitless, Silver Linings Playbook) is a taught and intense film that uses its 132 minute run-time with great efficiency. American Sniper Directed by Clint Eastwood (Mystic River, Flags Of Our Fathers, Million Dollar Baby, Jersey Boys) tells the story of a man who lives by and stays true to the foundation Read More…
The Imitation Game: Mesmerizing story of faith, success and failure in mechanics and people
The Imitation Game, the biographical film about Alan Turing is absolutely mesmerizing. The Imitation Game tells the story about the father of Mechanical and Digital computing that reveals a person who is shy, loving, somewhere between socially-awkward and socially-inept, full-of-heart, heartless, overbearing, demanding, relentless, brilliant, does not suffer fools, and possesses (possibly) the driest and most sarcastic sense Read More…