Similar to General Accounting Principles (GAP), if filmmakers follow General Filmmaking Principles (GFP) a movie can operate by the books and in most cases be successful both financially and as entertainment for its audience. The Accountant is an exciting genre film that while not overtly appearing to do so – follows virtually all of the GFP. The Read More…
A Thriller which Just Happens to be About a Disaster Film
The film Deepwater Horizon is best categorized as a Thriller that coincidentally is about a disaster – not a Disaster Film. The Towering Inferno, The Poseidon Adventure, Airport – these films are the standard bearers of Hollywood Disaster Films. Thank goodness Deepwater Horizon is not a Disaster Film or we would be forced to see Helen Read More…
Father Knows Best
The film Blood Father is an interesting take on a dad protecting his daughter in her time of need. Blood Father is a taught, well acted, funny, ironic, somewhat bloody, and nicely paced thriller that takes 88 minutes start to finish. Blood Father does not feel particularly original, but it also does not feel lamely derivative. Why? Read More…