
All Trips Are Worth It!

By rule the Trip films starring Steve Coogan (Night At The Museum, Ruby Sparks, Philomena) and Rob Brydon (The Huntsmen, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,) should be losing their luster and steam – from an enjoyability perspective.  Not a chance.  The Trip to Spain is arguably the best of the three. As Producer, Director, and Writer Read More…


Wind River: Somber, Ironic, Honest & Serious – Even if from Hollywood

Can the Actuarial’s of Hollywood be deceived and let an honest and serious film get by them and be released outside of the time period designated for Art Films to be considered at Oscar time? I think so, at least I do after watching the film Wind River. Wind River is written and directed by Read More…


Adding Up on Almost Every Count: The Accountant

Similar to General Accounting Principles (GAP), if filmmakers follow General Filmmaking Principles (GFP) a movie can operate by the books and in most cases be successful both financially and as entertainment for its audience. The Accountant is an exciting genre film that while not overtly appearing to do so – follows virtually all of the GFP. The Read More…