
Beating The Odds: The Greatest Showman

Since its heyday in 1940’s through early 1960’s the movie musical has fought an upstream and mostly losing battle to possess relevance with the viewing public.  The Greatest Showman bucks the odds in the box-office but not with the majority of film critics.  If I am forced to choose? While no Singing in the Rain, Read More…


Subtlety and Nuance Shine in a Fading Light: The Last Movie Star

Adam Rifkin’s The Last Movie Star is a wonderful piece of work that gains great strength and power as it progresses through its rather short run-time (94 minutes).  Ironically, The Last Movie Star is not about strength, but about dealing with fading fame, growing old, and dealing with it.  Then again, it may really be Read More…


15:17 To Paris: Be Gentle and The Amateurs Actually Help

15:17 To Paris the film by Clint Eastwood will likely not win any awards. 15:17 To Paris will not likely score high on critic or user reviews. Ironically the reason the film is not a total throwaway is that 15:17 To Paris is based on actual events, stars the actual heroes, and the storyline is Read More…