Movies Uncategorized

I Hear You Are Irish

Despite being based on a biography filled with well known credibility challenges, actors in their late seventies trying pull off playing their character in their late 30’s, and a three and one-half hour runtime – Martin Scorsese’s The Irishman works.  The Irishman is flawed, but works. The Irishman is a film that reveals many colorful Read More…


Small Film Leaves a Large Footprint – Peanut Butter Falcon

In Hollywood’s drift towards almost complete devotion towards Big, Branded, Franchise type movies, the endearing Slice of Life film has effectively been kicked to the curb.  Independent films (and their ilk) reached their peak in the early 1990’s.  Frightened, the big studios established (or purchased) firms that appeared to be independent from the Mother Ship.  Read More…


Feelings Act as Fuel – Rocketman

 The ability to create something that is commercially successful for multiple decades is on full display in the fantasy film Rocketman. At first-glance Rocketman appears to be about one person.  However, in reality Rocketman proves to be much more. Rocketman is an enjoyable watch throughout a great portion of its 2 hour and one minute Read More…