Clark’s Nutcrackers and Hairy Woodpeckers are making their presence known on the property.
The fall-time weather has moved some residents to seek warmer climes – even non migrators. However, some of the residents are sticking around.
The Stellar Jay has become even more prominent, as its bird count has moved from three to eight. In addition, the Hairy Woodpecker and Clark’s Nutcracker have also moved onto the property. Similarly to the Stellar Jay, the Clark’s Nutcracker appears to be at a population count of six.
Hairy Woodpecker

Clark’s Nutcracker
Regarding feeding habits, The family of Clark’s Nutcracker have become emboldened. This is especially the case during the late afternoon feeding time.

*** Jeff’s Thoughts and Other Worthless Trivia ***
These photographs were captured with the Nikon Z9 Camera and the Nikon Z 400MM | 540MM f2.8 Prime Lens. I captured the images with manually configured settings, hand-held. Furthermore, this may very well be the best lens in my kit. In addition, this is not a ZOOM lens. Instead, it is a Prime Lens with two focal points (400MM and 540MM) that are achieved by a toggle switch. Effectively, it provides two lens’ in one.
Aperture: f5 to f11
Speed: f/3200 to f/4000
ISO: 640 to 1250
Color Depth: 14Bit RAW
Color Temperature: 5000
Attempting to establish a light reading at 1 Stop Down
For further examples of the 400 at work another Post is located [here].