
Hollywood Magic Operating at Full Throttle – Top Gun: Maverick

If you are a movie goer and fan of Suspended Disbelief, Top Gun: Maverick is as good a film as Hollywood U.S.A. can deliver.  If you are a persona of this ilk and have not seen the movie, go as soon as is possible, and watch it in a movie theatre with as big as a screen as possible. 

If you see the film on the Big Screen and leave the current day world behind, I would bet good money you will experience Self Actualization sometime during its 2+ hour run-time. I will be honest.  I did, early, and often.  It should be revealed, I was on a virtual conference call with Maslow earlier today and he said the movie, “brought him to tears.” 

So we are clear… Top Gun: Maverick is not a Documentary or a film based on “real life events.”  It is a film of total and complete fiction with the very, very best of character acting, and production values applied throughout.

Is the film, exciting, thrilling, sappy, predictable, unpredictable, heart warming, fun, and rewarding for the viewer?  You bet!

Note to advocates of Computer Graphic Imagery (CGI): Top Gun Maverick: I am told, employs no CGI for the aeronautics scenes.  This aspect is wonderful to experience.