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Christmas 2018 – At The Cabin in Stanley

We decided to have Christmas at the Cabin in Stanley, Idaho in 2018.  It is located on Goat Creek.  The property abuts the Sawtooth National Forest\National Recreation\National Wilderness Boundary.  We access via a Private Road and need to cross Forest Service property to get to our cabin. The property is part of a small enclave which has a permit that includes our ability to plow the Forest Service Road and our private road in winter.  We chip in funds such that we have access to the cabin year-round.


Linda, Sage of the Wood River Valley dog, Kyle, Merry [Christmas] dog on Christmas day at the cabin. Not Pictured Valentine dog, Willow of the Wood River Valley dog and Jeff.
Jeff and Linda at Sawtooth Wilderness on Iron Creek. 1/2 way through 10K back-country ski on Boxing day 2018. A bit chilly at -2 degrees Fahrenheit.
Dawn on River Run on Baldy 12/23/2018.
Sage of the Wood River Valley dog, and Willow of the Wood River Valley dog working out on Christmas Eve at the cabin 2018.
skiing up Iron Creek Christmas 2018
Entering Sawtooth Wilderness – Sign in Required.
Following the Rules – on Christmas Day 2018.
Ready to Pump – Always! Jeff’s favorite Water Pump since 1982; The Iron Creek Campground Water Pump Christmas 2018.