It is 2:45 PM on January 28th – the day before the birthday of my Best Girl for the past 38 years. The temperature is nine degrees Fahrenheit (9 F) and sunny. The snows of December Read More…
Year: 2017
Skinning Up in Skis to Take In America’s Alps
The Sawtooth Mountain Range was first characterized as America’s Alps in the early 1900’s. With 52 named peaks over 10,000 feet in a range that spans 45 miles in length and 20 miles in width. The designation is a fair one. I have reached the summit of many of the named peaks. I have Read More…
A Real SNOWMAGEDDON and the Beauty of It All
The prospect of a natural disaster is something of which the media feasts. A weather related event that can be predicted, anticipated, tracked and analyzed – can fill an entire programming period for days on end. Hurricanes and Typhoons used to be the only weather events named. In the 21st century all weather spectacles are now Read More…