Climb Hike Photography

Sun Playing Havoc at the Perch

Droplets of rain and soft hail begin to fall upon me as the late afternoon sun peeks through the dark clouds.  Sitting on an exposed knob at 8,800 feet elevation, the Redfish Creek Valley is 2,000+ feet below to my left and the Saddleback Lakes are 400 feet below to my right. Directly across from Read More…


Initial Hands On with the Nikon D810

At The Start The release of the D810 camera from Nikon corporation has reaffirmed my belief – invest in the lens.  Do not conclude that I think the D810 is not worth every penny of today’s dollar – doing so would be incorrect.  The advent of the body containing digital sensors and sophisticated processing engines Read More…

Climb Fishing Photography

Sunrise South to North

My extended backyard ranges from Silver Creek Preserve to the south and the Redfish Creek Drainage to the north. America affixed rather lofty name designations to these locations – Fisherman’s Paradise and Shangri-la – respectively in the 1930’s. Today the designations remain appropriate. I visit the Silver Creek Preserve and the Redfish Creek Drainage often Read More…