Birds Kauai Nikon Z9 Photography Wildlife Z9 400MM F2.8 Lens

Stilt in Residence in Kauai

The Hawaiian Stilt is a fascinating bird to observe. Aeʻo (stilt) and kukuluaeʻo (standing high) are names that refer to the bird in Hawaiian. With a population last measured at 1,758, it is an endangered species.

The Hawaiian Stilt in flight.

Near my home is a population of Hawaiian Stilts at the Kawaiʻele Waterbird Sanctuary. On a late afternoon in early December, I travel to the sanctuary to photograph the Stilts.

Hawaiian Stilts feeding in the late afternoon.

The birds are feeding on small fish living in the ponds. They move in small groups, pairs, or alone throughout the sanctuary.

Fresh fish from the pond.
On the move.
On Approach.
All by myself.

*** Jeff’s Thoughts and Other Worthless Trivia ***

For more on the Hawaiian Stilt go [here].

Previously, I have published a Post about Kawaiʻele Waterbird Sanctuary. The Post is located [here].

I am fortunate to have this bird and many others near my home.

Camera Geek Tech Stuff

I captured the images with the Nikon Z9 Camera and the Z9 F2.8 Prime Lens at 400MM and 560MM, 800MM and 1120MM. I photographed hand held. The combination of camera and lens is rather heavy in terms of weight.

I use settings for ISO, aperture, and shutter speed configured manually. The implication is I am not hindered, or the beneficiary of a Program Mode established by a camera company. Program Modes are great for use on many photographic endeavors. My choice results in some poor shots. However, the result image is often exactly what I desire.