
Beware of the Man With A Grudge Who Drives a Snowplow – In Order of Disappearance

Stellan Skargsgard can play straight man in a Dark Comedy Thriller! The celebrated and otherwise somber male lead is nothing short of terrific in the superb In Order of Disappearance Directed Hans Peter Moland. Made in 2014 , In Order of Disappearance is a vastly superior film to Moland’s 2019 Hollywood remake Cold Pursuit starring Read More…


Midnight Sun – Nine Years is Worth the Wait

To suggest that Brian Clarke Lubeck’s Midnight Sun is a highly listenable album would be selling the work short.  It is much more. In an era where artists that are members of the Smooth Jazz or XM Radio Water Colors club seem to produce the same old music on auto-pilot, Lubeck’s Midnight Sun feels fresh. Read More…