The Merijo, a Wren with a White Ring around its eye and originally from Japan, has found Kauai to be a wonderful place to live and even thrive. At four inches and weighting less than 4 ounces – the tiny and astoundingly quick bird – uses the ʻōhiʻa and its lehu flower as its primary Read More…
Capturing Kauai – A Trek Into the Alakai Wilderness
The Alakai Wilderness on the island of Kauai is a fascinating and confounding place. It is a region of the island that is isolated from larger human population centers and is somewhat difficult to reach. Within the Alakai Wilderness there is a collapsed Volcanic Crater (sacred ground to native Hawaiians), The wettest spot on earth, Read More…
Capturing Kauai – Cactus, Canyon, Turkey Trots – Thanksgiving
On Thanksgiving day there is a 5K (3.1 mile) Turkey Trot Run on the Beach in Waimea, Kauai Hawaii. The course is from the Public Pier to the Small Boat Harbor and back. What a great Trot this race represents. The coolest aspect is that families, kids, and dogs of all ages participate. The route Read More…