Four years in the making, Capturing The Valley Too © debuts Friday night at MESH Gallery at Heritage Hall during Galley Walk from 4-6PM. I will be be on-hand to discuss the book and images contained within it. The 64 page hardcover work of Fine Art Photography is presented in a large layflat format. It Read More…
So Long, But Not Good Bye
On Thursday, Linda, Kyle and I said so long to a friend of 15 years, but not good bye. Shae Dog (SD), the Queen of the current Lubeck Dog Posse – Shae, Merry [Christmas], Valentine, Sage, Willow & Cousin Harper – moved on to Heaven Today. With assistance from the able and exceptionally considerate crew Read More…
First Day of Fall – One For The Books
It is about 4:08PM (Mountain Daylight Time) on the First Day of Fall. I look down to my truck from just below Peak 10,817 in the White Cloud Mountains of Idaho. The descent remaining is about 532 vertical feet with the pitch (as measured on the CalTopo relief map) being between 35-45 Read More…