The Monarch Butterfly is a remarkable creature. The Monarch is the only insect that migrates like birds. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service put the Monarch Butterflies on the waiting list for a Endangered Species Act listing. The reason being its populations have shrunk drastically. The Western Monarch has seen a loss of 96% of Read More…
Capturing Kauai – Only a Week Until Santa Visits
In one week’s time Santa comes for a visit. Mother nature has provided some remarkable sunsets this fall. Linda and I put up some Christmas lights in the Coconut Palm Trees a couple of months ago. We also have identified another regular visitor to the yard. A male White-Rumped Shama seems to have established that Read More…
Capturing Kauai – Merijo and the ʻōhiʻa lehua sharing life together
The Merijo, a Wren with a White Ring around its eye and originally from Japan, has found Kauai to be a wonderful place to live and even thrive. At four inches and weighting less than 4 ounces – the tiny and astoundingly quick bird – uses the ʻōhiʻa and its lehu flower as its primary Read More…