On Kauai, It feels as if advent of Thanksgiving (U.S. Celebration) initiates a different weather pattern. Slightly cooler temperatures, precipitation from storms emanating from the south, and the position of the sun have a wonderful effect on the Southern and Western side of the island. As the calendar moves into December, It is a lovely Read More…
An Afternoon with the Birds at Kawai‘ele
I decided to spend an afternoon with the birds at Kawai‘ele on Kauai. Kawai‘ele is a waterbird and native plant sanctuary on the western side of the island. It is a quiet and unassuming place. A good deal of the birds at Kawai‘ele are endemic to Hawaii. Birds such as the Hawaiian Stilt and Hawaiian Read More…
Sawtooths Moving Into October
The Sawtooths in the month of September are marvelous. However, dramatically different weather can occur from one day to another. For example, on this day, the 29th of September the weather is clear and dry. Also, the temperature at 4PM, is 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Differing from the warm afternoons, the mornings are getting cool. The Read More…