The subject of interest stands on a small perch below the 11,240 ft. summit of Gardens Peak in the Rocky Mountains of Idaho. We are in similar positions and elevation. However the subject of interest and I are separated by 1/2 mile and a deep canyon. The subject of interest is alone. I am not. Read More…
A Day in the Rock Garden
It is June, and in the Wood River Valley that means the female Rocky Mountain Goats are tending to their one and two week old babies, while keeping at horns-length their yearling off-spring. On this day Nappy Neaman, Crist Cook, and yours truly began the day at 4AM in order to climb high into the Read More…
New Visitors to the Cabin
The Cabin received received a Christmas gift from Santa. It was a Birdhouse and birdseed. I thought the gift was quite considerate of Santa. The Cabin cannot have enough friends and visitors. Others who were opening presents at the same time, did not think it to be a practical gift. Seeing the temperature was -12 Read More…