The Hawaiian Stilt is a fascinating bird to observe. Aeʻo (stilt) and kukuluaeʻo (standing high) are names that refer to the bird in Hawaiian. With a population last measured at 1,758, it is an endangered species. Near my home is a population of Hawaiian Stilts at the Kawaiʻele Waterbird Sanctuary. On a late afternoon in Read More…
The Red Hibiscus Makes a Comeback
The two new hibiscus plants on the property have been struggling. Both are located in the front yard of the WaimeaBeachHouse. The plant is salt tolerant. However, the combination of transplantation, wind, and ocean air appeared to be a less than a welcoming environment. After initial flowerings, the plants lost a majority of their leaves. Read More…
Apanane on Display in the Alakai Wilderness
The Apanane is a honeycreeper bird that is native to Kauai. The Apanane lives in the uppermost regions of Alakai Wilderness. It is a fast moving and elusive creature. To me, the Alakai Wilderness feels primordial and other worldly. I love travelling through it. I am fortunate the Alakai Wilderness can be part of my regular Read More…