
Three Pines: Wonderful and Rewarding Mystery Series

In the era of overpromotion and pre-release hype, Three Pines, is a rewarding surprise for fans of the mystery thriller series.  This eight episode series on Amazon Prime Video arrived with little fanfare.  Do not let Amazon’s promotional blunder be your viewing mistake.  If you enjoy procedural oriented works that include mystery and thrills, Three Pines is your kind of series.

Three Pines is based on the popular and prolific Inspector Gamache series of novels authored by Louise Penny.

Alfred Molina headlines as Gamache. Molina is simply superb in the role.  Molina is almost always great in his performances, but he is exceptional Three Pines.

However, Three Pines contains a cast that reminds me of the best Reparatory groups.  To watch this group of performers reminded me of the team and performances in the series Shitt’s Creek, or the works from the team associated with the films of Christopher Guest (think Best In Show).