
Rivalry Saturday – ****

I cannot say enough about this body of work by Dan Hollingsworth and Steve Waite.

A person that is a true fan of College Football will greatly appreciate and acknowledge the spirit in which this effort was conducted and successfully completed.

If you attended a college with a known arch rival – then it is understood – one never graduates no matter the date on the diploma.

Written in third-person narrative these two have pulled off what most of us only talk about – a full out Road Trip to a boatload of Rivalry games and have lived to tell about it.

Hollingsworth and Waite capture virtually aspect imaginable and deliver in an unvarnished genuine manner.  Bobby Bowden opens up about the implication of segregation,  USC Trojan Song Leaders in full sweater fulfill a childhood dream, cars become boat anchors and cameras are lost.

This book presents the real spirit of rivalry’s no matter the schools involved.

2 Replies to “Rivalry Saturday – ****

  1. I look forward to this as an enjoyable summer read. thanks for the reminder.

  2. The changed icon you’ve given me reflects my current mood perfectly—–were you looking?

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