It is a pleasant surprise when something blossoming comes as promised. In this instance, the blossoming is the return of flowering orchids to the yard. Over the years, I had contemplated the possibility of adding orchids to the backyard of the WaimeaBeachHouse. Our home is located on the island of Kauai in the state of Read More…
Boxing Day Bloom at WaimeaBeachHouse
It is Boxing Day on the Island of Kaua’i. Coming into full bloom this morning at the WaimeaBeachHouse, is a flower on our Kaua’ian hibiscus bush. Planted in 2021, the bush began flowering in February of 2023. A Post about the plant is located [here]. The Kaua’ian hibiscus is endemic to Kauai. There are only Read More…
Graceful Landing at Kawaiʻele Runway #3
The Kawaiʻele Waterbird Sanctuary in Kauai often looks like an airport. Its various ponds act as runways. Islands act as terminals. Six ponds exist within in the sanctuary. The ponds are separated by sandy pathways. Waterbirds move between each pond throughout the day. The Sanctuary often resembles an airport, with the birds taking off and Read More…