The Adult Male Rocky Mountain Goat leads – for the most part – a solitary life. Other than when breeding in the fall time, he is often on his own. The Adult Male Rocky Mountain Goat (AMRMG) is not a family man. He can often been seen over looking his domain standing on a rock Read More…
The Salmon is Rough and Ready
The Salmon River of Idaho traverses and cuts through some of the roughest terrain in the lower 48 States of the U.S. Its headwaters at Galena Summit are located in the heart of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area (SNRA). The SNRA was the first and is the largest (756,000 acres) National Recreation Area in the Read More…
Capturing The Valley – June Moonset on the Sawtooths
A full moon set over the Sawtooth Mountains at our home in Goat Creek. The Goat Creek Basin is in the middle of the Sawtooth National Recreation Area and Sawtooth Wilderness Area in Stanley, Idaho. The images were captured between 5:20 and 5:30AM Mountain Time on 06/15/2022.